Join the Shelocta Sportsmen Club

You must be a member of the Shelocta Sportsmen Club to use any of the club facilities – including renting the activity hall, large pavilion, or small pavilion.  The first step in becoming a member is to download and complete the Shelocta Sportsmen Club Membership Application.

  • Application must be turned in before the monthly Board of Directors meeting.
  • Proposer must attend monthly meeting when applicant is to be voted on.
  • Proposer and applicant must attend the next monthly club meeting for applicant to receive his membership card.
  • If applicant lives more than 50 miles from the club the proposer and references need not be present for applicant to receive card.

Initiation Fees and Dues

Initiation fee must accompany your application. 50.00 Initiation fee and dues for year joining are:

February to June – $85.00
July and August – $80.00
September and October – $75.00

Annual dues are $35.00 for members 16 and over, $2.00 for junior members.

Dues payable November 1 – January 31 of the next year.       Pay early so you don’t forget.

As of February 1st you will need to rejoin to stay a member.

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